
Unity assets torrent
Unity assets torrent

Unity assets torrent

– Grass occlusion system to create additional occlusion for our smaller vegetation assets placed on the terrain. – Occlusion Probes, a baked solution for efficient sky occlusion on foliage. – Project-specific customizations to lighting, shadows and occlusion inputs and calculations. – Project-specific Lit shader customizations. – Custom vertex shader for procedurally animated wind, used by all our vegetation. – Area Volumes: Volume based system driving atmospheric scattering, sunlight and wind properties. – Player Controller and a Camera fly-through mode to discover the scene in play mode – Environment scene, setup using the HD Render Pipeline. – Environment art assets produced by the Demo team using photogrammetry. – Environment art assets scanned by Quixel, coming either from the Megascans library or produced exclusively for this demo.

Unity assets torrent