If I often seem to speak exclusively of the mental/emotional state, it is because understanding this requires some degree of insight into the patient as well as into the remedy and it is more difficult than noting physical symptoms. These ideas have helped me in my clinical practice and I wish to share them with the profession." Regarding his understanding of each remedy (essences of remedies), Rajan writes, "Mere is a common misconception to the effect that I stress mental and emotional symptoms to the exclusion of physical symptoms.

The rubrics and physical symptoms cited are ones which I have observed repeatedly and often used to confirm the remedy prescribed. I have attempted to convey the innermost feeling or the basic delusion of the remedy while connecting the situation, source, miasm and kingdom. I have not included remedies of which I have little experience or knowledge. He writes: "The material presented here has been observed and confirmed in my own practice it is material I am sure of.

This book begins with a lucid introduction that clearly defines the background and use of the information contained. Sankaran has revised and corrected the original writings.

Tracing the common sensation of each family, this book shows how this sensation can be seen in the remedies in that family.Most of the remedies presented have been previously published in The Spirit of Homeopathy and The Science of Homeopathy. An Insight into Plants - Volumes 1, 2, 3 This book provides a framework of how the plant kingdom can be classified and understood. This way of working gives a definitive pathway for case- taking, a means by which to observe and utilize the active energy patterns of the patient (hand gestures and movements), plus a way of matching the patient’s level to the remedy and potency that is required. The Sensation in Homoeopathy Using numerous case examples, this book gives one the ability to know at all times in a given case, where to begin and where to aim, through The Seven Levels of Experience. Hints and guidelines about understanding the mental state, eliciting the mind and body connection, central delusion, what to do and what not to do with dreams, plus a further understanding of miasms and kingdoms. The System of Homoeopathy Illustrating the method of case-taking, case analysis and follow-up, this book includes detailed cases and a number of short cases, through which emerges a System of Homoeopathy.