It was brilliant that they just allowed for it to exist,” Velez explained to Remezcla. “That was really bold, because if you use subtitles all of a sudden we are outside, and we are not part of this world anymore. He explained that the intent behind it was so that, “it’s just part of Miles’ community and family life.” Lord talked about how important it was for the cast and crew to hear Spanish in the film and not necessarily have it subtitled in order to normalize it. “I certainly understand what it’s like to feel like you’re half one thing and half something else.” “I grew up in a bilingual household in the bilingual city of Miami where you hear Spanish all over the place, and it’s not particularly remarkable,” he told Remezcla. Lord was also in charge of the Spanish-language dialogue in the film. Remezcla had an opportunity to speak to the cast and crew on the red carpet at the premiere in Los Angeles, including writer/producer Phil Lord. One of the main reasons why? Rio Morales, voiced by Nuyorican actress Luna Lauren Velez, speaks mostly Spanish throughout the entirety of the film-and isn’t subtitled.