Databases provided for download to Association members.The protagonist of Hamlet is Prince Hamlet of Denmark, son of the recently deceased King Hamlet, and nephew of King Claudius, his father's brother and.There you will find the possibility (not now but soon!) to download the audio and label files of this database. This is the kind of skill that politicians and motivational speakers master-and so can you. When you meet someone else’s eyes, you invite them to engage with you, and they immediately become more receptive to what you have to say. This technique also works because eye contact is a powerful tool. They’ll start watching you more carefully first to see what you’re doing, and second because they’re hoping you might pay attention to them next. When you look someone in the eye, the rest of the audience will notice that you’re paying attention to someone. It’s important to make eye contact when you’re talking to someone, but too much eye contact can be. After you’ve had a brief moment of connection, make eye contact with another individual-and chances are, a few more pairs of eyes will already be turned your way. Choose a person who is already looking at you this isn’t a Glare of Shame to try to get someone off their phone. As you give your speech or present your information, make eye contact with a single member of your audience. The next time you’re asked to lead a meeting, teach a class, or give a speech, here’s one way to get everyone’s attention: look at individual people instead of letting your gaze settle on the entire group. When Public Speaking, Look at Individuals Instead of the Entire Group.